Storage Carts
In the rapidly progressing manufacturing world, changeovers need to be as fast and efficient is possible. Having your parts organized is a key step in making that happen. Our custom designed carts will fit your parts as efficiently as possible and give you access to your parts wherever you need them.
Our full featured carts:
- Ideal for 5S applications.
- Part profile identification & name engraving.
- Layered HDPE Laminated plastic provides high contrast engraving for great readability.
- 6” diameter casters, 2 fixed, 2 swivel with brake for easy moving around the plant.
- Take your parts directly to the machine for easy changeovers.
Color Options

Why Choose Us
- Only high quality materials.
- Engraving and shadow boards to keep your parts organized.
- Over 15 years of experience.
- Experience will all major machine types and brands.